Kiley books stopped by to tag me and I forgot to publish my post! Here's how it goes:
Link to the the tagger, list 7 random book facts about yourself, and tag 7 more friends...well lets get started:
#1. Just last night, I started a neighborhood book club! How about them apples for timing? We had a blast at the first meeting and decided to read The Time Traveler's Wife first off.
#2. I read a lot. I love fiction, non-fiction, fantasy novels (must be excellent), self help (that sounds lame... um, self improvment? mind evolving?), travel stories, and pre-reading young adult novels that we've been collecting for the kids to read when they are older.
#3. We read out loud every day with the kids. Grown ups reading to kids, and kids reading to each other and kids reading to grown ups. I love being read to while I'm cooking dinner. We've read the first three Harry Potter books out loud as a family. (We are stopping here till the kids get older. The other books are scary!)
#4. My fav secret location to read is the bath tub. I've never dropped one in the water.
#5. I'm most embarassed to admit that I read total junk when I'm flying. I always intend to read something fantastic when I take a trip, but can never concentrate on real reading while traveling. Why is that? So I end up reading a trashy rag mag that I pick up in the airport. Luckily, I dont travel too much........
#6. I have a snuggly reading chair of my dreams.
#7. When I'm into a good book, I often carry it around with me, when I leave the house, just in case I get a spare second to read.
you are tagged:
Indigo LunaAll around creative awesomeness of a person, and a fun blog to read
Sweetest of thingsMy twin carrying, tango mama of a friend
Moontea Art WorkLove her hand printed fabric!
SykoMy fun Finnish friend, knower of all things Moomin, excellent textile artist, and fun blogger
Try To Catch The WindMy dear friend, sweet blogger, and an artist who's charming works always make me gasp
Pink Cheeks STudioREally really really really cute pillow doll artist!! I mean the dolls are cute! Really happening style.