Friday, April 4, 2008

Birthday Surprise

Today, for my birthday, Im donating 10" of my red hair to Locks of Love. It's a group that makes wigs for children whose medical issues caused them to loose their own hair. I thought some dear red head out there might really appreciate it. I'm so excited! These are self portraits of me in front of Bliss Monkey Studio.

No one knew I was getting a hair cut, let alone going for something so much shorter. Surprise! I just love it. My hair was so HEAVY!! I'm looking forward to light spring and summer doo. It's fun to pin back, wear down, tuck back, and put into pony tails (x2). Yey for short hair!!!

I want you to know: if you would like to donate your hair to Locks of Love, it's a good idea to first look at their website to see the guidelines. You must cut off a minimum 10" of healthy hair, which is why I went so short! Yeee haw!


  1. your new 'do looks great! And how sweet of you to donate your hair. I wish i had done that when i got my hair cut :-( Next time. My hair grows so fast, i'm sure i'll need another cut again soon!

  2. Happy Birthday! What a great thing to do!

  3. Happy Birthday! I love your new do. My birthday is Sunday, but I don't think I can go short!

  4. wowzers!! good for you! and happy birthday!!

  5. LOVE IT ALY! We both have new hairdos... You are beautiful!!!!
    Happy Birthday again. Love ya, tonia

  6. So yeah, we basically have the same haircut... except your hair is stacked a bit higher.


  7. Aly it looks great!
    Short and boucey.
    hope Finn isn't upset anymore.


  8. How kind and good you are. Well done : )


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