Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happiness Is........

Happiness is:
-- Inspector No. 89's break time. You can tell he's done a very good job inspecting coffee cozies all morning, by the amount of thread still left on his nose.

Happiness is:

-- A simple Spring walk after nursing everyone in the family through a nasty virus for the past three weeks. Ah, to be healthy and breath and play!!!

Happiness is:

-- A brand new hose. It's so beautiful laying there, perfectly coiled, ready to water the flowers out front.

But now I wonder...... what does the hose see? This is her view across the street.
I'm sure watering the pansies will bring her happiness.

If you like, please comment with three things that bring you happiness at this moment.
With fondness,


  1. 1. Looking around the living room, which smells like cinnamon apples, and seeing crayons and markers and many, many colored pages from my artsy little turd bird.

    2. Having my algebra homework done two days early... and having my sketches done for class tomorrow.

    3. Having a spectacular friend like Aly who loves me.

  2. Awww thats cute! Love the hose perspective!

  3. Happiness is ...

    - making a difference with Paper or Plastic No Thank You bags. Recycling tshirts into market bags and watching so many get on board. It's inspiring.

    - time spent on local beaches during the warm months finding beach glass that's been tumbled to perfection by the surf.

    - learning that the universe will help us find the path if we just put it out there in a positive way. What you think about, you bring about!

    Great blog Bliss Monkey,


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