Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Coffee Monsters

I'm thrilled to find my work in this collection along with some artists i've marked in MY FAV's list! Thanks so much!


  1. I'm boycotting commenting because i miss your frequent posts. I don't care that my garage is empty, or that there are whiskers floating through the air...

    It's 11:22 and I want to read about your Wednesday gardening day, and read a charming story about the kids, or hear a kitten update, or anything...

    I miss you in the blogosphere.

  2. i really like your blog, and your display pics from the meet your maker crafts fair were sweet! i think its awesome that you love upcycling as well; i finally mastered the art of recycling paper, so i took my term papers from undergrad and blended them to a pulp and designed a line of greetings on them! anywho, just spreading some blog love! will definitely keep in touch to see what you've gotta say in the future. :)

    one love,

    hey, are you on indiepublic?


I'd love to hear from you, thanks for commenting. :-)