Friday, June 6, 2008

Time of Year Treasury

How Sweet is this? If you click on the photo, you can see it enlarged, but the individual links are disabled since this is just a screen shot. Thanks so much for putting my Happiness Blooming cozy in this collection! I think the treasury is so much fun because we get to take turns being little curators.

Do you KNOW you can get your daily horoscope at the very bottom of my page. Scroll scroll scroll down and click on your sun sign. I am very proud of choosing colors and installing this thingie, so try to use it once in a while just to make me happy. (NOt that I can tell if anyone uses it or not... but just to say.... lol)

I'll have a "Lil Things" post later today. It's shipping morning and I gotta stay focused. Love to all!


  1. You could link to the actual treasury though. That would be nice!

    I've said it before, but I love when you post the treasuries you are in! Of course, treasuries are one of my favorite parts of etsy.

  2. I didn't think of that.....
    Sweet, thanks!

  3. Love your elephants dreaming. So cute.


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