Monday, July 21, 2008

Intersection Repair + Lotta Hair

Friday, I put on my lucky shamrock underwear (I have two pair in case I'm in need for good luck, and one is in laundry, but don't fret, I only wear one at a time), took a before photo, and then took my bob to a real salon and let the stylist do her magic.

I had my glasses off most the time. I'm really blind, so when I put them back on, and saw a full head of curls. And I mean curls on TOP too, I was shocked. Was that ME? THEN I had to wonder how much upkeep this would take.... a busy artist mama wants to look cool and all, but she's got kids and animals and garden to care for, outdoorsie stuff and art to make.... she can't be sitting around fretting about how to form curls.

I was instructed never to brush or comb my hair and I would need curling CREAM. This does encourage your hair to form individual curls instead of frizz and it's weightless and soft. But hey, that does not mean you should go around running your fingers through my hair. OK? I'm working hard to get "air" in these curls. I've always had waves but curls??? I've been instructed to make curls and twists that you can see through! Back off the touching! Ok, whew..... after that, i think it's ok to show you a few early photos.

I had to include this one with Long Leggs making such a cute adoring face at me in the mirror! I was showing the kids how to take self portraits this way.... they both had some early attempts, but they are too blurry to show ya. Maybe lesson #2. They are darn cute though.
Who knew I had a whole head of curly curls waiting to be weightless?

Saturday Block Party and Mural Painting!
  • I love our neighborhood! Here we are starting off our summer party by repainting the mural. We are the only neighborhood in Eugene to have a street mural. It's officially called an "Intersection Repair" because of it's uses:
  • a traffic calming device
  • beautification of the neighborhood
  • a natural gathering place for friends and neighbors-turning a street into a public square
  • sharing local flava and culture
We also have a small kiosk, brick work and bench seating area. It's not uncommon to find people bringing their dinner out to the benches, see a guitarist playing there, and kids riding bikes together, while people walking their dogs say hi. Care to see an ariel photo?

That's me in the tan pants and brown zipp up. It was early in the morning and quite cool. We all thought it would be good for the paint to dry slowly. I'm working with Tracy to do the fine lines while she did the fill in.

We did a second coat later in the day, while a band played. Everyone enjoyed donated coffee and make your own sodas, and pizza as well as potluck food. These people, with our big gardens know how to cook!

One of the highlights was our neighbor Shane's bike that converts into a smoothie making operation! Why didn't I think of getting a photo of that?!

Another neighbor, Ev, is a Tango instructor. We gathered for tango on the square at 5pm when it was safely dry but traffic barricades were still up. My second tango experience and quite fun!!


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