Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Missing the Photos

Blogger still won't let me load photos. I'm S-A-D.

How about a lovely cooking animation that a friend sent me? Totally worth seeing twice!



  1. Wow! That animation is amazing!!!!! Thanks for sharing. What is up with the photo thing? How irritating. How is Penny Q? I can hear the critters at the fairgrounds for the 4H fair. Gingeroo is no longer gender confused. He has begun to crow fairly assertively. He AND Hazel will be going to a new home probably this weekend. We'll be just back to Betsy. Hope all is well with sprogs. -tonia

  2. Gingeroo!!!! Aren't the early crowings so funny??!

    Now what's the story with Hazel???

    Penny Q is doing well. She doesn't sleep on the roost with the other two girlz, just in the straw below them. They are pecking her less, but she's still not IN the click. Poor girl. I sort of wish I got two at a time. Four hens is max for the size run I have. Your hen run is much bigger.

  3. He and Hazel are devoted to each other. Hazel is really needy and she isn't feeling the love from Betsy. We found out recently that Banties often only really get on with other small chickens. I am not sure if that is a blanket statement or just opinion, but Betsy seems to really hate both Ginger and Hazel and really doesn't let them get very close to her. They are rather confused that "Mom" doesn't seem to love them anymore. It is kind of heartbreaking to watch. Bets is broody again....(Good gosh almighty she's one of those ladies that likes to be preggers I think.) She isn't actually setting on anything. I turf her out every chance I get. It seems to make her mad and she is a bigger b****h to the other two. Anyway hope the photo thing starts working soon for you. I like seeing into your "blissful" world. Love, tonia


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