Monday, August 18, 2008

Hot Woolie Woolie

Oregon finally had it's summer heat wave last week. 100 degree days. That's a big bit of hot for us here, because most Oregonians don't have air conditioning. The heat is miserable but doesn't last long. I've got to add that having a cold at the same time as a heat wave is not something I recommend for anyone.

I did finish my tea serving project design for Lark books. I recycling a plain white sweater into this India inspired colorful set of elephant tea cozy and coasters- all hand sewn. Tomorrow I'll give you my secrets for dying wool with powered drink mix (kool aid).


  1. I can't imagine being sick in that heat!
    Glad to hear you're feeling better.

    I was locked away all weekend working on a wholesale order- and I'm one of those Oregonians without a/c so it was a long hot weekend.
    However I do think a/c would pretty much be a waste to install here as it is almost never hot enough to need it.

  2. Yea, exactly but those five days would be WONDERFUL!!!


  3. Sorry you are not feeling well! The tea set is so cute!! Great job.

  4. these are too cute! but sorry you have been sick :( hope you feel better soon!


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