- Be generous with your smiles.
- Be kind.
- Respect the Earth.
- Walk in a forest.
- Plant a tree.
- Contemplate a mountain.
- Protect the Earth.
- Live simply.
- Help feed the hungry.
- Erase a border in your mind.
- Teach peace to children.
- Read Chief Seattle's Letter to the President.
- Be honest.
- Demand honesty from your government.
- Think about consequences.
- Commit yourself to nonviolence.
- Support nonviolent solutions to global problems.
- Speak up for a healthy planet.
- Demand reductions in military expenditures.
- Be fair.
- Pledge allegiance to the Earth and to its varied life forms.
- Think for yourself.
- Ask questions.
- Recognize your unique potential.
- Join an organization working for peace.
- Be less materialistic.
- Be more loving.
- Empower others to work for peace.
- Oppose all weapons of mass destruction.
- Support equality.
- Speak out for a nuclear weapons-free world.
- Support a Department of Peace.
- Listen to your heart.
- Help the poor.
- Fight against militarism.
- Study the lives of peace heroes.
- Help create a community peace park or garden.
- Commemorate the International Day of Peace.
- Help strengthen the United Nations.
- Support the International Criminal Court.
- Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Advance the rights of future generations.
- Be a voice for the voiceless.
- Join an action alert network.
- Be forgiving.
- Laugh more.
- Play with a child.
- Support education and the arts over weapons.
- Help educate the next generation to be compassionate.
- Take personal responsibility for creating a better world.
- Sing.
- Write a poem.
- Organize a church service on the theme of peace.
- Learn about another culture.
- Help someone.
- Support the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF).
- Oppose the arms trade.
- Clear your mind.
- Breathe deeply.
- Sip tea.
- Express your views on peace to government officials.
- Fight for the environment.
- Celebrate Earth Day.
- Think like an astronaut, recognizing that we have only one Earth.
- Be constructive.
- Let someone else go first.
- Plant seeds of peace.
- Work in a garden.
- Change a potential enemy into a friend.
- Be positive.
- Share.
- Be a good neighbor.
- Send a note of appreciation.
- Tell your friends how much they matter.
- Say "I love you" more.
- Don't tolerate prejudice.
- Demand more from your elected officials.
- Walk by the ocean, a river, or a lake.
- Recognize that all humans have the right to peace.
- Respect the dignity of each person.
- Be a leader in the struggle for human decency.
- Be a friend.
- Send sunflowers to world leaders, and call for a world free of nuclear weapons.
- Oppose technologies that harm the environment.
- Lose an argument to a loved one.
- Value diversity.
- Walk softly on the Earth.
- Appreciate the power of the sun.
- Speak out for global disarmament.
- Support a democratic order.
- Teach non-violence by example.
- Remember that "No man is an Island."
- Spend time in nature.
- Boycott war toys.
- Be thankful for the miracle of life.
- Seek harmony with nature.
- Remind your leaders that peace matters.
- Oppose violence in television programming for children.
- Listen to Beethoven's Ode to Joy.
- Celebrate peace.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
More Peace
On this day, I'm sending out some love to the world, and wondering what sort of something special I can do today. I can surely find inspiration in this list from "100 Ideas for Creating a More Peaceful World" by David Krieger. I bet many of us do many of these things each day!
EXCELLENT ideas. Thanks!