Sunday, October 19, 2008

Zombies vs Gnomes!

"Coffee For Brains" is my zombie season offering. I am more of a gnomes and sock monkies sort of person, but also enjoy monsters (the more original the better), have a life long love of Nessy (my new nessy design showing soon), and can easily amuse myself with Zombies.

What about Zombies who come up out of the ground for a fresh latte? I drew a graveyard where some "kind" soul has placed fresh coffee on all the graves, and our zombie is the first out. He looks so pleased to have coffee for brains.......

I ventured to my neighbor's fake graveyard for some fun shots of my zombie graveyard coffee cozy IN a graveyard. Thanks Melissa! And I noticed all the fine details in her decorating. She's glued on real moss and laid out fresh flower offerings!!!


  1. How fun! We love zombies. I like the grave scene. the flowers are a nice touch. Love, tonia

  2. So sad about Toli. :0(
    He's such a sweet boy.

    Zombie cozy looks great by my grave stone.

    Your work is so great! Sell Sell SELL!



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