Friday, July 29, 2011

I took a design challenge from an 8-year-old

Yes, I took a design challenge from an eight year old. I walked into my studio one morning and noticed my son putting together a pile of fabric.

"What are you making?" I asked, pleased.
"I'm not going to make this. I'm challenging YOU to make a stuffie out of these crazy fun colors I found." he replied.

I'm often busy with my three etsy stores, and different established product lines, but who can resist an invitation to make some one of a kind toys with a charming invitation to colors like THAT?

The result was a large pillow toy dubbed Disco Owl, and smaller toy called Disco Snail. Both now available for purchase in my Bliss Forest shop. It was most satisfying to make new toys out of left over studio creation "scraps". :-)

Proceeds will go to our first trip to see family in Australia this fall. The boys have dual citizenship, but haven't been down under to see the rest of the family. We are very excited to jump from what will be Fall in Oregon, to late Spring in Northern New South Wales.

I hope you are all having a happy summer too.

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