Friday, April 11, 2008

Good Morning Newses

Good Morning!!

This is me first thing this a.m. making coffee with my happy French Press covered in a cozy gift from Adopt-A-Critter, for my birthday. While known for her plush monsters, she's also a knitting fiend! It's cute and keeps my coffee warm till I'm ready to pour.

Speaking of birthdays, let me introduce you to my new helper, Tilda. She is the present I asked for and everyone went in on together. She is a photo printing/photocopy/scanner machine. Who could imagine the day we would have our own copymachines in our home? I can print newsletters and make copies of the kids drawings. I can print photos of archival quality instead of just looking at them online. I can prepare my art for use with the gocco machine. I'm so excited!!!!!

I have a lot to be happy about this week. First on the list is finishing my first art tutorial for Lark books. I designed a fabric jewelry project (based on my now-not-so-secret secret jewelry line humming along in the studio) called "If Life Gives YOu Lemons- Make ART!". I'm excited to be in my first book. The Art of Fabric Jewelry by Lark books is due out spring of 2009.

Second happiness is a coffee cuff reorder by one of my stores: In Other Words in Portland.

Third? The kids have the day off of school today, and the sun is finally out and due to STAY for the weekend. Grey skies and rain rain rain damp was really getting to me earlier this week. This coming from a very sturdy Oregonian is saying a lot! We are about to go letterboxing! I'm going to try to take the day off of Bliss Monkey Studio work, but I may not be able to resist. I love making my art, running my Etsy store, chatting with clients, and meeting so many wonderful makers and fans of handmade goodness! Plus, I'm up to the elbows in finishing a big batch of monster mitts because the world said we needed some fun spring wrist warmers.

Love you all!


  1. Busy, busy. What great goodies for your day of your birth!

    Monster Mitts, do I get one?? Unicorn Monster Hummm..

    Have a great weekend,see you over the fence.


  2. Tilda rocks! That's an awesome birthday present.

  3. I want a Tilda 2. That looks sweet as heck!

    Exciting stuff going on. I can't wait to see the jewelry. I love those lemons.


  4. Oooooooh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
    Happy Belated Birthday.


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