Urban Chicken Adventures
It is difficult to take a candid shot of the Girlz because whenever they see me, they come running! I do love this "Charlies Angels" shot of the Girlz: Star, the tall white one, the brains of the crime fighting, bug destroying duo, and Lacey, the black girl with soul, bravest and chattiest of the two. Together they make up the "Urban Chicken Assault Team!" Today's target? You'll never guess, but right after this photo was taken, they found a snake sunning itself along the base of the house! Star quickly sounded the alarm, "Ba-bock!", and jumped out of the way, as Lacey dashed in for the attack! "Take THAT and THAT!" she grunted, Mrs Piggy kung fu style. (Although it sounded more like, "aaawwww!.....bok!..bok!"). Star, quite frightened, let Lacey do all the beak and leg work. Lacey pecked the snake, dodged for safety's sake, (peck and weave, Baby! Peck and weave!), bawked at it, jabbed it, flipped it over, pecked..... The poor garter snake didn't have a clue what hit him. He tried to quietly slither a way into taller grass, and Lacey grabbed him by the tail and yanked him back out for a second beating! Poor wee snake! I could have actually stood back and caught all this on film, but I was busy gently defending the poor thing. It was fascinating to see the Girlz reactions, however. And Lacey instinctively treating it as though it were poisonous. I think she would have killed it, if I hadn't held her back. What a fierce girl! If you haven't been properly introduced, go back to the post "Introductions: Girlz and Boys".
Hey, those are some gorgeous chicks! Very cool names too.
Have you seen that Burger King commercial where the chicken is trying to learn Kung Fu...? *giggles* You totally just reminded me of that.
Now you are ready...
Yin and Yang Clucks!
What a great picture!
I think this was the funniest description I've ever read of two chickens. Great photo, too.
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